Tonight I picked up my friend a little before 7 and we headed over to North Harbor to get something to eat. She wanted to try a small eatery stall near an elementary school her coworker had told her about. We could not find it from the sparsely scrawled directions at right, so proceeded without a clue several hundred yards down the same road toward the temple side of town. Our thought was to just park along the main road there and eat something at a random eatery in front of the temple.
As I was looking for a parking place, out of the corner of my eye I saw someone who looked like our intern's wife (they live an hour north of here) walking up the road. I could not get her attention, but called her husband in Taipei and verified that it was indeed her. She was in town to deliver goods (she apparently comes here about once every two months). After 10 minutes or so we had gotten in touch with her and met back by the road in front of the temple.
The store she had been to was one I had accompanied our intern to late last year. The son of the shop keeper lady's younger brother has been in the same drug rehabilitation center our intern graduated from.
Anyway, our intern's wife and the shop keeper invited us to join them for dinner. They piled into my car. Without us saying a word, guess where they led us?
They instructed me to drive back over to the main traffic circle and park near the 7-11/Watsons. We then walked through a back alley between taller buildings to the same small eatery (Beef Noodle Soup) we had been looking for in the first place! It was only a little
after 7:30 and we discovered once we got there it did not open until 8:00. So we had a long time to chat.
I don't know what God accomplished through an appointment to such an out-of-the-way place that was according to His ultimate purposes, but it clearly seemed to be of His doing.
By the way, the Beef Noodle Soup in front of this small stall was the best I’ve had since I moved here.