Tomorrow is Taiwan's presidential election. For me as a Christian, it comes interestingly enough on they day after we mourn Christ's death and suffering on the cross... the full day he spent in the tomb (and Sheol/Hades- the holding place of souls after death) prior to His glorious resurrection.
With regard to the election, With the KMT's complete drubbing of the DPP in the recent legislative election, many people expect tomorrow to be a runaway. Although I really haven't been following the news as much as I could, I expect it probably will not be very close, in spite of articles like China Tensions Could Sway Vote in Taiwan in today's New York Times.
Personally speaking, the most highly anticipated event surrounding the election for me has absolutely nothing to do with who wins. I'm counting down the hours until 10pm, when the loudspeaker-blaring election trucks will no longer be permitted to pollute our neighborhoods with their obnoxious noise. :-) If I were able to vote here, I'd vote for the party who swore off the use of those loud things.