Last night I finished an audiobook version of Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make A Big Difference. While I didn't appreciate this book quite as much as the other title he wrote that I read last year (Blink), it still got me thinking.
Social Epidemics are caused by word of mouth. While I don't particularly care about the latest fads (e.g. Hush Puppy shoes becoming popular again), nascent trends, news, etc. and the people in this area care much much less, nevertheless, I wonder: who are the mavens and connectors in our communities that can lead to a mass movement of people coming into intimate relationship with God through Jesus Christ?
We've been praying to get to know the "people of peace" in our communities (Luke 10:5-9). That is, we will look for those who are receptive to the Beautiful News of Jesus, and who possess a reputation which leads to the spreading of this News and the introduction of people to the community of faith.
This kind of person will usually be someone of influence who recognizes the great value of what we bring, becoming our "protector, promoter and pathway finder." May God give us eyes to see and ears to hear, resulting in a tipping point more than we can ask or imagine.