Monday, May 26, 2008

Text Message

Yesterday I received a strange yet interesting text message on my cell phone out of the blue from someone I barely know: 「一位真的指導者不是為了突顯自己而是要使團隊帶來突破與發展。」Roughly translated, that means: "A real coach doesn't assert his own prominence,  but leads the team to experience breakthrough and development."

That statement serves as a good reminder for me as our team travels south next week to further flesh out our MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) over a four day retreat.

We want to actualize the Body of Christ by working together to accomplish common goals. While we will have a facilitative leader, we want to be the kind of team where leadership functions shift from time to time depending upon circumstances and the spectrum of unique gifts and skills of various  members. Even though we will live in different places, we want to work together as it is possible. Trusting in God, we want to challenge each other to personal development and celebrate both our personal as well as team breakthroughs. 加油!(ie. Go, go go! Make the Extra Effort....")

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