Friday, June 6, 2008

Snorkeling After All

After four days of rain, this morning the sun finally came out! Not only was I able to enjoy an hour walk down to a park in the neighborhood of OASIS before breakfast, after breakfast I was able to drive over to a spot  150 yards or so just north of MaoBiTou which leads down to a beautiful cove just off the beaten tourist path. It's a wonderful spot for snorkeling with a variety of living corals (though colored by pollution) and larger fish than I seen in this area for a while (schools of fish where several were larger than my hand and forearms). I also saw a number of long brown and white striped creatures along the bottom which I could not initially tell were dead or unmoving sea snakes (most were about 2-3 feet long, and about an inch in diameter) or just pieces of colorful rope. Finally, I brought one up with a stick and the water came leaking out of it. Apparently they are some sort of living creature but I forgot to bring my Kenting fish book with me so an identification will have to wait until I get home....

Compared to previous trips, I didn't snorkel for long, and didn't skin dive at all. In all, I was only in the cove for an hour and a half or so. I'm getting more safety conscious as the years go by when it comes to skin diving in isolated locations all by myself. Plus, time to check out of the room and leave this place.

Definitely worth going back to that cove again sometime. Would also be a great place to bring a book and lunch and hang out on the beach for a day.

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